The slow backhand topspin

The first backhand topspin to learn should be the slow type in the early stage of learning, the stroke should always be made with slow wrist and arm movement.
The most important thing to learn at this stage is how the racket should touch a ball. Once you learn this, you can use other types quite easily.
The slow topspin will be used for returning long services, for returning a chopped ball, or when you wish to make a sure return.
The basic ready position
The most suitable position for right-handed players is on corner of the side-line-endline of the table.
The left foot should be slightly in front, or you can place both feet parallel to the endline of the table if you are playing down the line. Both are correct. Choose the one you feel comfortable.
The distance of your feet should be slightly wider than the width of your shoulder. Both of your knees should be bent, and your upper body should be leaned forward a little. The distance from the table is also important. If you are too close, you will have no adequate time to make a stroke. It should be 50-100 centimetres from the endline of the table.
As you see a ball coming, you must bring the racket slightly below the table. Its location is different as the nature of the swing differs.
When you make a long arm motion (large swing), you must bring your racket above your knees.
When you make a short arm swing, you should bring your racket to higher position and very slightly to left.
The direction that your racket points is very important.
The tip of your racket should point to lower left direction by bending the wrist.
This bending of your wrist is a very important factor for a successful execution of the stroke.
The racket face must be tilted to have a close Angle. At the end of the backswing, arm should be bent slightly at the elbow.
As you bring your racket down, you must move your upper body down. At the same time both knees should be bent slightly, and weight of your body should be distributed evenly on both feet.
Swing before the impact
From the position between the knees, the racket is swung up forward and slightly right direction by relying heavily on the wrist and forearm movement.
You must use the wrist and forearm a lot in order to make an effective stroke.
As the ball descends from the top of its bounce, it must be hit with the upper (tip) part of the racket.
As you hit the ball, your body must move up as you swing and at the end of the stroke your knees must be stretched out, and the weight of your body must be shifted to the right foot.
At the finish of the stroke, the racket should be in the right side of the body.
Do not bring the racket behind the body.
For the case of a short swing, the racket should be in front of the forehand. As soon as the stroke is completed, shift your weight back to both feet so that you will be ready for a next stroke.
The stroke will be imperfect if you will lean backward after the impact. If you do this, you will lose the balance, and will have difficulty to prepare for a next stroke.
The above mentioned are the fundamentals for the slow backhand topspin.
When you learn these well, you will be able to use the backhand top spins in various situations with slight alteration to the above.
Until next time, play well.
Javad Ameri
